Champion win and lose times
Patch 4.21
Hello, friends.
After Last week's quick look at early- and late-game champions I was a bit disappointed by the size of the dataset. So, this week I got a lot more data. A LOT more data. Around fifty-thousand ranked solo-queue matches played by diamond, master, and challenger league players, all on patches 4.21 and 4.20.
I'm still interested in teasing out the difference between early- and late-game champions. To that end, I collected some basic statistics here about how long games are that are won and lost by each champion.
This first table gives the mean (average) win time for each champion. That is, the average length of a game where a team with that champion wins.
Looking at this data, I realized this measure is probably too rough to draw any conclusions from. The spread isn't wide enough to say really anything about champion strength at different points in the game, but it may be interesting to look at anyway.
(The standard deviation and sample size is also reported)
Champion | Win time | Deviation | Games |
Akali | 31:11 | 7:41 | 2906 |
Jinx | 31:49 | 7:45 | 6086 |
Pantheon | 31:55 | 7:54 | 7666 |
Rek'Sai | 31:59 | 8:18 | 2190 |
Katarina | 32:04 | 8:03 | 5245 |
Tryndamere | 32:05 | 7:45 | 1918 |
Jarvan IV | 32:10 | 8:01 | 8817 |
Nidalee | 32:12 | 7:52 | 3955 |
Lulu | 32:14 | 7:51 | 2168 |
Kassadin | 32:15 | 8:01 | 2736 |
Riven | 32:15 | 7:52 | 8758 |
Draven | 32:15 | 7:37 | 3739 |
Elise | 32:20 | 8:17 | 1535 |
Sona | 32:20 | 7:41 | 4605 |
Nunu | 32:20 | 7:32 | 2902 |
Jayce | 32:21 | 7:49 | 6476 |
Janna | 32:22 | 7:55 | 13873 |
Irelia | 32:24 | 7:51 | 7856 |
Corki | 32:26 | 8:12 | 12264 |
Blitzcrank | 32:27 | 7:57 | 9765 |
Sivir | 32:27 | 7:49 | 1679 |
Soraka | 32:28 | 8:01 | 5041 |
Vi | 32:29 | 7:51 | 5641 |
Renekton | 32:30 | 7:50 | 1456 |
Warwick | 32:31 | 7:54 | 2906 |
Aatrox | 32:34 | 7:41 | 947 |
Talon | 32:35 | 8:02 | 2201 |
Hecarim | 32:35 | 7:43 | 2175 |
Rumble | 32:35 | 8:12 | 3831 |
Annie | 32:35 | 7:57 | 3795 |
Kayle | 32:36 | 7:45 | 2726 |
Lee Sin | 32:38 | 8:06 | 12653 |
Twisted Fate | 32:39 | 7:26 | 3373 |
Yasuo | 32:39 | 7:17 | 3287 |
Fiddlesticks | 32:39 | 8:00 | 5253 |
Galio | 32:39 | 7:40 | 676 |
Graves | 32:40 | 8:02 | 10135 |
Diana | 32:41 | 7:57 | 1746 |
Maokai | 32:41 | 7:52 | 3374 |
Ashe | 32:41 | 7:43 | 1373 |
Yorick | 32:41 | 8:20 | 497 |
Taric | 32:41 | 7:39 | 655 |
Olaf | 32:42 | 7:38 | 697 |
Leona | 32:42 | 7:55 | 5716 |
Fiora | 32:42 | 7:54 | 2136 |
Thresh | 32:43 | 7:55 | 16040 |
Darius | 32:43 | 7:53 | 1063 |
Kalista | 32:43 | 8:06 | 2976 |
Malphite | 32:43 | 8:05 | 3110 |
Trundle | 32:46 | 7:31 | 584 |
Lucian | 32:46 | 7:60 | 17332 |
Syndra | 32:46 | 8:14 | 4957 |
Nautilus | 32:47 | 7:45 | 871 |
Kha'Zix | 32:47 | 8:01 | 3490 |
Xin Zhao | 32:47 | 7:59 | 3981 |
Lissandra | 32:48 | 7:59 | 5425 |
Swain | 32:49 | 7:50 | 1413 |
Anivia | 32:49 | 8:10 | 1433 |
Nami | 32:49 | 8:04 | 5526 |
Quinn | 32:50 | 7:36 | 644 |
Orianna | 32:51 | 7:48 | 5733 |
LeBlanc | 32:51 | 8:16 | 4983 |
Wukong | 32:51 | 8:04 | 2995 |
Caitlyn | 32:51 | 7:59 | 7611 |
Rengar | 32:52 | 7:58 | 3647 |
Skarner | 32:52 | 7:47 | 963 |
Vladimir | 32:52 | 8:07 | 3308 |
Nasus | 32:53 | 8:03 | 3201 |
Tristana | 32:54 | 7:59 | 1893 |
Evelynn | 32:54 | 7:20 | 504 |
Morgana | 32:54 | 7:58 | 7379 |
Master Yi | 32:55 | 7:47 | 4303 |
Ahri | 32:55 | 8:02 | 5785 |
Fizz | 32:55 | 8:02 | 5078 |
Azir | 32:57 | 8:01 | 3780 |
Vayne | 32:57 | 7:51 | 8583 |
Udyr | 32:57 | 7:49 | 3128 |
Jax | 32:58 | 8:02 | 2622 |
Gnar | 32:58 | 8:09 | 4741 |
Miss Fortune | 32:59 | 8:07 | 688 |
Sion | 32:60 | 8:11 | 2757 |
Mordekaiser | 33:01 | 7:34 | 426 |
Shaco | 33:03 | 8:20 | 3624 |
Zed | 33:05 | 8:13 | 8844 |
Varus | 33:07 | 7:59 | 713 |
Cho'Gath | 33:07 | 7:57 | 2214 |
Dr. Mundo | 33:07 | 8:12 | 1038 |
Xerath | 33:10 | 8:14 | 4591 |
Gragas | 33:11 | 8:20 | 814 |
Malzahar | 33:11 | 8:11 | 1405 |
Karma | 33:13 | 8:19 | 1767 |
Amumu | 33:15 | 7:60 | 2345 |
Ezreal | 33:15 | 8:03 | 12531 |
Urgot | 33:16 | 8:35 | 178 |
Singed | 33:16 | 8:14 | 1357 |
Braum | 33:16 | 7:55 | 3664 |
Shen | 33:17 | 8:22 | 1045 |
Gangplank | 33:19 | 7:48 | 1972 |
Viktor | 33:21 | 7:50 | 1144 |
Vel'Koz | 33:23 | 8:13 | 2544 |
Ryze | 33:24 | 7:45 | 971 |
Alistar | 33:24 | 7:41 | 2234 |
Garen | 33:29 | 7:57 | 859 |
Veigar | 33:31 | 8:12 | 1597 |
Rammus | 33:34 | 8:13 | 1018 |
Nocturne | 33:37 | 7:53 | 2429 |
Heimerdinger | 33:39 | 8:22 | 1028 |
Zac | 33:39 | 8:23 | 1141 |
Lux | 33:42 | 8:20 | 2737 |
Zilean | 33:45 | 8:00 | 1067 |
Sejuani | 33:47 | 8:31 | 1226 |
Brand | 33:48 | 8:29 | 1918 |
Zyra | 33:48 | 8:34 | 1853 |
Cassiopeia | 33:49 | 8:11 | 931 |
Kog'Maw | 33:53 | 8:07 | 953 |
Poppy | 33:55 | 8:19 | 1054 |
Volibear | 33:56 | 7:46 | 691 |
Shyvana | 33:57 | 8:04 | 1405 |
Ziggs | 34:04 | 8:30 | 1399 |
Karthus | 34:10 | 7:55 | 1272 |
Kennen | 34:17 | 8:07 | 972 |
Twitch | 34:29 | 7:53 | 1388 |
Teemo | 34:34 | 8:36 | 1785 |
Here is one thing we can say: Urgot, Eve, and Trundle are not popular with high-ranking players.
So, Akali wins on average a full three and a half minutes faster than Teemo and Twitch. But with deviations of double that difference, I wouldn't wager any money on these results. Ha!
Also, and this should be our first clue, any measure that puts Nasus in the middle is not likely a good measure of early- vs. late-game power.
Here's a similar table for losing times. That is, the average game time of a game with each champion on the losing team.
Champion | Lose time | Deviation | Games |
Urgot | 31:04 | 8:35 | 178 |
Kalista | 31:16 | 8:06 | 2976 |
Yasuo | 31:21 | 7:17 | 3287 |
Evelynn | 31:29 | 7:20 | 504 |
Draven | 31:44 | 7:37 | 3739 |
Olaf | 31:50 | 7:38 | 697 |
Taric | 31:51 | 7:39 | 655 |
Trundle | 31:54 | 7:31 | 584 |
Udyr | 31:55 | 7:49 | 3128 |
Kassadin | 31:58 | 8:01 | 2736 |
Ryze | 31:58 | 7:45 | 971 |
Akali | 32:02 | 7:41 | 2906 |
Jax | 32:04 | 8:02 | 2622 |
Aatrox | 32:04 | 7:41 | 947 |
Twitch | 32:06 | 7:53 | 1388 |
Master Yi | 32:06 | 7:47 | 4303 |
Rammus | 32:06 | 8:13 | 1018 |
Alistar | 32:07 | 7:41 | 2234 |
Orianna | 32:09 | 7:48 | 5733 |
Warwick | 32:10 | 7:54 | 2906 |
Kayle | 32:10 | 7:45 | 2726 |
Quinn | 32:11 | 7:36 | 644 |
Gragas | 32:12 | 8:20 | 814 |
Garen | 32:14 | 7:57 | 859 |
Vayne | 32:15 | 7:51 | 8583 |
Ashe | 32:15 | 7:43 | 1373 |
Tryndamere | 32:16 | 7:45 | 1918 |
Braum | 32:17 | 7:55 | 3664 |
Rengar | 32:17 | 7:58 | 3647 |
Irelia | 32:17 | 7:51 | 7856 |
Mordekaiser | 32:18 | 7:34 | 426 |
Zed | 32:18 | 8:13 | 8844 |
Zac | 32:18 | 8:23 | 1141 |
Soraka | 32:20 | 8:01 | 5041 |
Shen | 32:21 | 8:22 | 1045 |
Vladimir | 32:21 | 8:07 | 3308 |
Tristana | 32:22 | 7:59 | 1893 |
Nunu | 32:22 | 7:32 | 2902 |
Galio | 32:23 | 7:40 | 676 |
Dr. Mundo | 32:24 | 8:12 | 1038 |
Nami | 32:25 | 8:04 | 5526 |
Elise | 32:26 | 8:17 | 1535 |
Fizz | 32:27 | 8:02 | 5078 |
Gangplank | 32:27 | 7:48 | 1972 |
Twisted Fate | 32:27 | 7:26 | 3373 |
Sivir | 32:27 | 7:49 | 1679 |
Vi | 32:28 | 7:51 | 5641 |
Riven | 32:28 | 7:52 | 8758 |
Leona | 32:29 | 7:55 | 5716 |
Kha'Zix | 32:30 | 8:01 | 3490 |
Lulu | 32:31 | 7:51 | 2168 |
Jayce | 32:31 | 7:49 | 6476 |
Maokai | 32:32 | 7:52 | 3374 |
Xin Zhao | 32:33 | 7:59 | 3981 |
Talon | 32:33 | 8:02 | 2201 |
Shyvana | 32:33 | 8:04 | 1405 |
Varus | 32:34 | 7:59 | 713 |
Poppy | 32:34 | 8:19 | 1054 |
Zilean | 32:34 | 8:00 | 1067 |
Gnar | 32:36 | 8:09 | 4741 |
Caitlyn | 32:38 | 7:59 | 7611 |
Thresh | 32:39 | 7:55 | 16040 |
Lucian | 32:39 | 7:60 | 17332 |
Nasus | 32:39 | 8:03 | 3201 |
Fiora | 32:40 | 7:54 | 2136 |
Swain | 32:41 | 7:50 | 1413 |
Nautilus | 32:42 | 7:45 | 871 |
Cassiopeia | 32:43 | 8:11 | 931 |
Wukong | 32:44 | 8:04 | 2995 |
Graves | 32:44 | 8:02 | 10135 |
Janna | 32:45 | 7:55 | 13873 |
Hecarim | 32:45 | 7:43 | 2175 |
Miss Fortune | 32:46 | 8:07 | 688 |
Nidalee | 32:46 | 7:52 | 3955 |
Amumu | 32:46 | 7:60 | 2345 |
Sejuani | 32:46 | 8:31 | 1226 |
Yorick | 32:47 | 8:20 | 497 |
Skarner | 32:47 | 7:47 | 963 |
Jinx | 32:47 | 7:45 | 6086 |
Kennen | 32:47 | 8:07 | 972 |
Diana | 32:49 | 7:57 | 1746 |
Sona | 32:49 | 7:41 | 4605 |
Annie | 32:51 | 7:57 | 3795 |
Jarvan IV | 32:54 | 8:01 | 8817 |
Ahri | 32:55 | 8:02 | 5785 |
Karma | 32:55 | 8:19 | 1767 |
Darius | 32:56 | 7:53 | 1063 |
Azir | 32:57 | 8:01 | 3780 |
Lee Sin | 32:57 | 8:06 | 12653 |
Nocturne | 32:58 | 7:53 | 2429 |
Shaco | 33:03 | 8:20 | 3624 |
Blitzcrank | 33:04 | 7:57 | 9765 |
Pantheon | 33:06 | 7:54 | 7666 |
Katarina | 33:06 | 8:03 | 5245 |
Rumble | 33:07 | 8:12 | 3831 |
Malzahar | 33:07 | 8:11 | 1405 |
Viktor | 33:11 | 7:50 | 1144 |
Morgana | 33:12 | 7:58 | 7379 |
Fiddlesticks | 33:12 | 8:00 | 5253 |
Lissandra | 33:12 | 7:59 | 5425 |
Lux | 33:14 | 8:20 | 2737 |
Volibear | 33:14 | 7:46 | 691 |
Singed | 33:14 | 8:14 | 1357 |
Renekton | 33:17 | 7:50 | 1456 |
Corki | 33:17 | 8:12 | 12264 |
Teemo | 33:19 | 8:36 | 1785 |
LeBlanc | 33:19 | 8:16 | 4983 |
Syndra | 33:20 | 8:14 | 4957 |
Karthus | 33:26 | 7:55 | 1272 |
Heimerdinger | 33:28 | 8:22 | 1028 |
Sion | 33:28 | 8:11 | 2757 |
Kog'Maw | 33:30 | 8:07 | 953 |
Veigar | 33:31 | 8:12 | 1597 |
Ezreal | 33:32 | 8:03 | 12531 |
Anivia | 33:38 | 8:10 | 1433 |
Malphite | 33:39 | 8:05 | 3110 |
Ziggs | 33:44 | 8:30 | 1399 |
Cho'Gath | 33:48 | 7:57 | 2214 |
Zyra | 33:51 | 8:34 | 1853 |
Xerath | 34:00 | 8:14 | 4591 |
Rek'Sai | 34:04 | 8:18 | 2190 |
Vel'Koz | 34:04 | 8:13 | 2544 |
Brand | 34:06 | 8:29 | 1918 |
Rek'Sai is the biggest mover here, winning games quickly and losing them slowly.
Akali, who was first on the list above, is near the top here as well. Perhaps she contributes to shorter games.
Again, Nasus is about dead center. I think we're going to need a better measure to really sort this out.
Before we go back to the drawing board, here are a few of our favorite stats, re-run over this new and improved dataset:
Blue side win percentage: 50.61%
Wow! I have never seen a number that close to 50% for blue side win rate. Again, this is over fifty thousand ranked solo-queue games at diamond and better elo (mmr) on patches 4.21 and 4.20. I'm looking forward to keeping an eye on this going forward now.
First blood win percentage: 59.77%
This is still high. Go get that first-blood.
Ok. Still searching for the right metric to measure early- vs. late-game strength of champions, but I'm happy with the new official data acquisition methods.
That will be plenty of #LeagueMath for today. Hit me up and let me know how you would measure champion power curves.
Legend of the poro king? I don't know. Stay tuned for more league fun and math fun here at
No standard deviations were harmed in the preparation of this analysis.